October Marigold Embroidery Pattern

Making the October Marigold

Marigold is the birth flower for October! A flower that reflects the power and brightness of the sun as the seasons change from summer to autumn, these full-bodied flowers are often found in a variety of yellow, orange, and red colors. Stitch this design for yourself or gift it to a friend who was born in October! The October Marigold is great for beginner and seasoned crafters alike.

Finished October Marigold embroidery pattern with letters OCT under it

Stitches in the October Marigold pattern

The life of the party in the October Marigold design is these super fun flowers stitched with the fly stitch. Going around using this stitch gives that little bursting effect that Marigolds have. The fly stitch is similar to the feather stitch. You'll come up on one side of the base then go back down the other side without pulling the thread all the way through. Then, come up at the point, pull the floss through and anchor with a small stitch at that point and repeat! 

close up picture of flystitch on October Mariogld embroidery

Then, the stems are completed with the stem stitch, of course! At the base of the flowers, we have a fun set of leaves made with the single chain stitch. The whole piece is then outlined in a light blue border done with backstitch. This stitch is also used down the center of the leaves and at the base of the smaller flowers. 

backstitch outline and marigold flower and leafs

lazy daisy stitch leaves on marigold embroidery

To learn more about each of the stitches we used, including step-by-step tutorials with pictures, written instructions, and video, check out the embroidery stitches blog.

Finished october marigold embroidery design square image

Shop October Marigold pattern

Buy the pattern!

October Marigold embroidery kit

October Marigold Embroidery Kit

October Marigold PDF pattern

October Marigold PDF Pattern

October Marigold refrigerator magnet

October Marigold Magnet


The Birth Month Flowers Collection

For the 2023 Embroidery of the Month, we decided to do a series of Birth Month Flowers! Each flower is released in its correlating month (January Carnation in January, for example). All twelve patterns will have the same format and feel, making it a great series to do a quilt or other project with the collection.

Learn about the past Birth Month patterns

Hand stitching the October Marigold embroidery pattern

Shop all patterns in the Birth Month Flower Collection


Embroidery of the Month - get more info

Learn to stitch with a new embroidery each month.

Are you ready for some happy mail? With the Embroidery of the Month you'll receive a brand new, surprise Penguin & Fish embroidery delivered to your door each month

Stitch all of the Birth Month Flowers in 2023! Each month we'll release the  month's birth flower. All 12 patterns will be similar in format and feel, making this the perfect collection to display together, or make into a quilt or other project. Plus, when you purchase the embroidery kit during the month of the release, you'll receive an exclusive freebie (while supplies last). 

The Embroidery of the Month is about practicing your stitching and make something cute with the Penguin & Fish Family!

Learn more about the Embroidery of the Month

January Carnation finished embroidery pattern

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